Created by Allen Kerr & Katie O'Neill
A bookmarklet that improves search functionality to Smuggler's Cove's Rumbustion
Society Bevager app.
Installing On Desktop
Drag and drop this to your bookmarks bar
If you sync your browser to mobile you can use this same link on mobile too! If that doesn't work for you, check out the mobile section
Installing On Mobile
Chrome Instructions
- Copy the bookmarklet code above.
- Bookmark this site.
- Click Bookmarks in the menu
- Long click the bookmark you just created.
- Paste copied code snippet into the URL field.
- Press Done
- You can now run this bookmarklet on the bevager site!
Safari Instructions
- Copy the bookmarklet code above.
- Bookmark this site.
- Open the bookmarks menu
- Tap Edit and select the bookmark you just created.
- Paste the bookmarklet code in place of the Address/URL field.
- You can now run this bookmarklet on the bevager site!
Chrome on Android
- Go to Bevager
- Click on the address bar
- Type in the name of your bookmark ("Rummager" if you drag and droppped it)
- Select the the bookmark from the search results. It should begin with "javascript:"
- Enjoy all the new search items
Everything Else
- Go to Bevager
- Open the new Rummager bookmark
- Enjoy all the new search items
Works great for Bevager at these bars too!
Love This? Have Problems? Feature Requests?